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  • Writer's pictureLaura

10 Tasty Snacks To Have/Make During The Pandemic

You can go beyond these!

These are some crazy and scary times. The COVID-19 is shaking up our way of living and we don't know when things will get back to normal or if things will ever get back to normal.

If you are practicing shelter in place (you really should if you can), things can get really mundane. One of these mundane things may include snack options.

There are a lot of things that are gone from shelves due to the virus. Fortunately, there are many recipes for snacks that you can make with some of the ingredients you may have around your house already.

The following are some delicious recipes that you might be interested in trying!

The yummies

1. Oatmeal bars- A lot of snack bars seem to be out of stock if you aren't quick enough. If you and your family enjoy them, you can try to make bars from scratch yourself. The oatmeal bar recipe from Suburban Simplicity ( is one that my family enjoyed a lot. We added chocolate chips to it but I am sure it is good without too. If you were lucky enough to nab a container of oatmeal, this is a great way to use it!

2. Funfetti crackers- Now these are for the kiddies! You might like them too though. I found this recipe ( a while back and my step-daughters loved them! They are not overly sweet and look cute.

3. Sweet dip made with cream cheese and marshmallow fluff- This type of dip is great with crackers (like the funfetti ones!) and fruit.

4. Peanut butter energy balls- These are obviously not good if you have a nut allergy but if you don' should try them! They are easy to make and are a great grab 'n go snack. You can put chocolate chips in them if you want (that is what we do!) but they are probably fine without them. Here is one recipe for them:

5. Chin Chin (Nigerian snack)- So these are not healthy. However, sometimes it is a okay to indulge a little. Chin Chin is a popular snack in Nigeria. They taste a lot like mini donut holes that you would get at a fair. The reason why I put it on the list aside from them being yummy, is that the ingredients are ones that people probably have bought in response to the pandemic situation. Here is one recipe for them:

6. Puppy chow- Many people like this snack so it is pretty much a no-brainer. There are a bunch of different types that can be found around the internet if you are bored with the original version. My kids love this sugar cookie puppy chow recipe:

7. Kale chips- Now this is a healthy snack! There seems to be a lot of produce still available in stores despite many other things being picked over. That means that the chances of finding kale is pretty good. They are easy to make and tasty. Here is a recipe to try:

8. Fruit on skewers- Putting different pieces of fruit on skewers makes eating healthy fun for kids (at least that is what I have found!). There are many combinations you could do. You can also serve them with that sweet dip that I put on the list.

9. Parmesan Crisps- Are you on a low carb diet? These are perfect for you to make if you are able to find Parmesan cheese in stores. All you need is grated Parmesan cheese and any seasonings you may want. Here is a recipe:

10. Movie Theater Floor Snack- I saw this and loved the idea of it. If you have been to a movie theater, you are probably aware that a lot of snacks get dropped on the floor and things get sticky under your feet. This snack is what that is based on! It combines multiple different snacks together that are commonly bought at the movies. Since a lot of people probably stocked up on different types of snacks and goodies, all you really have to do is combine some of them. The recipe from Allrecipes ( gives you ideas of what to put in the mix but you can customize it to your liking.

Being shut in can be hard

This pandemic has changed the way we live in various ways. It could get better in the future (near or fear) or remiain the same. For the time being though, we have to deal with social distancing and stayng home.

Changing things up and being creative can make living like we are a little easier. Making new snack recipes is a simple way of adding some variety into our day. It also can be used as a teaching moment for your children if you have them help you.

What are your family's favorite snacks?

Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

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