Trying to recreate a stock photo...

This thing is Painful as hell!

Breaks my heart!

PCOS and Digestion/Nausea Issues
I deal with horrible digestive issues and nausea on the regular. I know these things do not plague every single women with PCOS but I have read some who deal with it. Here are just some bits of information about it:
Is more likely to happen during or around ovulation
Is more likely to happen close to the start of your period or when your period would start if you aren't regular
Birth control might help the nausea as it could balance your hormones out
There are over-the-counter products that might help with it if doctors are not willing to give you any anti-nausea medications (I will list these products in a blog post!).

PCOS and Tuberous Breast
Tuberous breasts are another thing that do not affect all women with PCOS but they are mentioned every now and again on some sites. I have them and I hate them. If you don't know what I am talking about, here are some bits of information about them:
They are characterized as being widely spaced, sitting low on the chest, being triangular shaped, having large areolas, having stretch marks and being saggy
They are caused by a failure to develop properly during puberty
They can cause issues with breast feeding due to low supply
They can cause low self esteem
Finding a bra that fits well can be a struggle
The only way to fix them is through surgery

PCOS and Self Esteem
PCOS can be so hard on our self esteems. It certainly has been hard on mine. It kills me to read some of the forum posts made by women who are completely fed up with this syndrome. It makes the fight for more research and treatments all the more important.
Here are some things I feel is important to mention in regards to the emotional aspects of having PCOS:
You are not alone (as stated before).
You are not ugly or disgusting.
Positive changes can be made to your appearance if you feel that is necessary.
Please talk to someone if you are thinking of taking your life. I have read too many posts from women saying they feel like committing suicide because of PCOS.