My Story

Ever since I was 14 years old, I knew there was something wrong with my body.
I felt like I "grew in funny." That was the only way I could put it at the time. I was developing in a different way than my peers. I had severe acne and extremely oily skin. When I looked around, I did not see anyone else with skin as bad as mine. It was depressing to say the least. Another thing that I had to deal with was excess hair. I had a mustache and a "happy trail." I felt like a boy and I did not want to be one. I wanted to be as feminine as the girls around me were.
Another thing I noticed as a teen was the fact that my breasts were not normal looking. They were ugly to me. Yellow stretch marks covered them (still do) as if I had been pregnant before. I noted that they were also saggy and sat low on my chest. I hated them and wanted to know why they were like that when every other girl I saw got to have perfect breasts.
Things got worse as I got older. Horrible PMS and depression were then added to the list of my issues. Clearly my hormones were really screwed up! My doctor put me on Spironolactone (50 mg) as well as Celexa (antidepressant). It wasn't until I turned 24 that I was finally diagnosed with PCOS.
Rundown of my symptoms
1. Acne (severe hyperpigmentation as a result)
2. Excess facial hair (mustache and chin) and a mild happy trail
3. Oily skin (this is mild now)
4. Tuberous breasts
5. I do not ovulate every cycle
6. Nausea/digestion issues
7. Cysts on my ovaries (did not have any on my last test in 2018)
Tests Taken for diagnosis:
1. Total Testosterone: 30 ng/dl
2. Free testosterone: normal
3. 17-hydroxyprogesterone: High at first test and normal at the second test
4. Estrogen: normal
5. Cortisol: normal
6. Prolactin: normal
7. TSH: normal
8. Lipids: perfect
9. Cholesterol: perfect
10. A1c: normal
11. Insulin: normal
12. DHEAS: normal
Treatments I have been on (doctor prescribed and supplements) :
1. Acne medications (many!)
2. Spironolactone
3. DIM
4. NAC