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There Is More To Me Than PCOS!


Yes...and there is more to you too. Here is a list of things about me (lists are awesome):

  • I was adopted to white people when I was 2 months old.

  • I am black (duh).

  • I was always strange growing up.

  • I have Nonverbal Learning Disorder- the predominate spacial visualization deficient sub-type (see here:

  • I had friends when I was young but I do not have any now. Just my husband.

  • I have wanted to be in a ton of different careers but ended up abandoning the ideas due my limitations with certain things (math, science labs, actual interest and social anxiety).

  • I would love to be a writer but it is not going to happen for me.

  • I am passionate about women's health.

  • My degree is in Family Life and Child Development and has gotten me nowhere but in low paying childcare jobs.

  • I have gotten made fun of by coworkers about my looks and weirdness. That makes me not want to work with others anymore.

  • My 4.5 year old son has special needs (that is him on the left!). Things can be tough with him but I love him dearly and he is our miracle child (never thought I would get pregnant due to PCOS).

  • I have two step-daughters.

  • I quit my job as a home daycare business owner in 2018 due to stress and my severe stomach issues.

  • I have no idea what I want to do next in life in terms of income and I need to figure something out soon.

Fun Facts

  • I love to read

  • I love to create

  • I love watching X-Files

  • I love staying fit

  • I love shopping

  • I am an INFJ (rare!)

Social Media

Not really into social media and I do not have any friends outside of my husband (how sad is that?). I have an abandoned WordPress blog but I do not feel like sharing it on here yet. 

  • w-rss
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