Just getting started with this whole website thing. I really hope someone finds this site and reads it!

Why did I put this site together?
I made this website because I wanted to create an additional community for women with PCOS. There are so many of us out here so I feel like one more place to find support would be an okay thing. If anyone reading this has anything to share, please don't hesitate to leave a comment.
I want to connect with women who are like me. That would be so amazing!
I have a lot to say!
I am quite introverted and reserved but I do have a lot going through my mind. The written/typed word has always been the easiest way for me to communicate.
I had another blog on WordPress but I just don't feel like adding to that one anymore. Looking at some of the posts I made on there is kind of sad. I was trying to be someone I am not (makeup posts....ha!).
I am not sure how often I will make posts on here yet. We will see! Just a warning, they will not always be about PCOS or health. They might be about random things in my life. That is okay though right?
Where am I going with this website?
Not sure. I just want to support and be supported. I do not have some kind of seminar, class, course or product to sell or anything like that.
Getting more awareness of this obnoxious hormonal syndrome is really important to me. This is so that we can maybe find better ways to treat and conquer it!