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Super Simple Skin Regimen

Writer's picture: LauraLaura

Over the years I have learned that less is more when it comes my skin. I used to try a ton of different things and got no results or my skin actually got worse.

I have struggled with acne since I was about 11 years old. It was way worse than other kids my age and I am guessing that was due to me having PCOS. My acne was classified as severe and covered my forehead, chin and jawline. Once I got into my 20s, it moved to being mainly on my cheeks and chin.

In addition to the treatments prescribed by my doctor, I would also buy a ton of products from the store and make homemade concoctions in a desperate attempt to fix my skin. I felt so bad about myself when I looked in the mirror as well as looked around at my peers who had perfectly clear skin.

These days, I still have acne but it is a lot more mild. The zits I get usually only pop up around the time my period is about to start. My main problem right now is severe hyperpigmentation which has not been going away despite all of the products I have tried.

Due to funds being extremely low, I have had to resort to a cheaper and simpler skin routine. I like it though! My skin is always soft with a nice glow. I wanted to share it because I think it would probably work for a lot of people!

The regimen

Cleanser- Generic version of Cetaphil Gentle Skin Facial Cleanser

Sunscreen: Vanicream sunscreen 35 Spf (every 2 hours during the day)

Why this might be a good regimen for you

This regimen is simple and can be very effective. For me this is definitely cheaper than my other regimens.

Generic Cetaphil cleanser- You don't have to use this exact one. There are other cheap cleansers at stores. This one has worked great for me. I also use my body wash at times as a cleanser ( Honest Shampoo+Body Wash). Don't judge me on that!

Salt water toner- A while back I read about this being good for acne and hyperpigmentation. I tried it on my chest and back first because I was getting bad acne in those areas. It worked so good and cleared me up completely. I would highly recommend it.

Rosehip seed oil- I had read about this oil on various blogs and sites. What made me try it was that it is supposedly good for fading dark spots and anti-aging ( see here: So far it has made my skin really glow. I can't say yet if it does help with dark marks because I have not used it long enough. I just know that it doesn't cause more acne for me. Just a few drops morning and night is all you need so each bottle will last a while.

Sunscreen- This is important to wear during the day and it needs to be reapplied every two hours. It helps you to avoid sunburns, premature aging and protects hyperpigmentation from getting worse (see here: Make sure to find the right SPF for your skin. Sunscreen isn't that cheap but there are some that are less expensive than others (see here:

So this is what my regimen will be for quite a while. I had been using a glycolic acid serum from Makeup Artist's Choice (you can find it here: but I can no long afford to keep buying them. Once I start bringing in some money, I am thinking about using some tretinoin a couple days a week along with the serum. Or maybe I will just stick to this budget routine! We shall see.

Thanks for reading!



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