I found this bag of tea when I was cleaning out a kitchen cabinet recently. It got me wondering about these herbs that are supposedly good for fertility. So I decided to do a little more looking into them!
Remember that I am not a doctor or another type of health care professional and I am not telling you what to do.
Ingredients in fertility teas and supplements and how they may help
Aside from a healthy diet there are said to be herbs and vitamins that can be consumed to help women get pregnant. There are various products offering a blend of these ingredients or one can buy them individually to take.
Here is a list of ingredients that are used by some people to assist fertility:
1. Vitex agnus castus or Chasteberry- May help balance hormones which could lead to better chances of pregnancy.
2. Red Raspberry leaf- May help balance hormones which could lead to better chances of pregnancy.
3. Stinging nettle- May help cleanse our systems and thus making it easier to get pregnant.
4. Lady's mantle- May help balance hormones which could lead to better chances of pregnancy.
5. Inositol- May help balance hormones, induce ovulation and improve quality of embryos.
6. L-carnitine- Has a lot of antioxidants which may be important in getting pregnant.
7. CoQ10- May help with low sperm counts, low motility and improve egg quality.
8. Vitamin E- May act as an antioxidant against reproductive disorders.
9. Folic acid- May improve sperm count in men and ovarian function in women.
10. Vitamin C- May induce ovulation and improve sperm count in men.
11. Zinc- May help the quality of eggs.
Seemingly popular fertility products include: Fertilitea ( https://www.amazon.com/FertiliTea-Organic-Fertility-Servings-Contains/dp/B0006SFQGO/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8), Pink Stork Fertility Tea ( https://www.amazon.com/Pink-Stork-Fertility-Tea-Biodegradable/dp/B0746T6YYB/ref=pd_sbs_121_1/136-4039992-1603527?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0746T6YYB&pd_rd_r=be6d2e2a-2a35-456a-9250-1a3e8f89ebf3&pd_rd_w=u987t&pd_rd_wg=oqqs6&pf_rd_p=5873ae95-9063-4a23-9b7e-eafa738c2269&pf_rd_r=0HX0PQ1P5MT8FVFPP0JW&psc=1&refRID=0HX0PQ1P5MT8FVFPP0JW) and Conception Fertility Prenatal Vitamins ( https://www.amazon.com/Conception-Fertility-Prenatal-Vitamins-Myo-Inositol/dp/B013RMKCV4/ref=pd_bxgy_121_3/136-4039992-1603527?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B013RMKCV4&pd_rd_r=dd5d04f7-d882-4b3b-acd0-4c8bf67b5544&pd_rd_w=9s8bH&pd_rd_wg=rQ3ki&pf_rd_p=09627863-9889-4290-b90a-5e9f86682449&pf_rd_r=DN3M36SCW5AZY743HR3E&psc=1&refRID=DN3M36SCW5AZY743HR3E).
What the studies really show
This is pretty simple. There is lacking evidence that any of these help with fertility. Each piece of research will state this in the conclusion section. The results of each study do show that there is some promise to their usage though.
Even though the supplements don't have strong research behind them, many people say that the fertility blends really worked for them. Of course there are also many that say that they did not get pregnant taking them and/or they experienced bad side effects.
Maybe in the future there will be more studies done on these so-called fertility aids. The idea of being able to use something natural to get pregnant is probably really appealing to a lot of people.
Will I be taking any fertility supplements?
I honestly really want to try them. Since getting pregnant is going to be a challenge for me, I will need some help with it. The thing is that supplements usually make me sick so these formulations are probably out of the question.
The only thing I can take is red raspberry leaf and that seems to have even less evidence than the other ones in regards to it aiding fertility. I do think it tastes good with some stevia though and it does calm my stomach during my "flare-ups." Maybe I will drink it regularly and see what happens?!
Thanks for reading!