I have consumed many different kinds of tea in my day. Some of them were good and some of them were bad. Some of them I forgot about.
Since I still buy tea from Republic of Tea, advertisements from them show up on various websites I visit. One of the ads showed a tea called, Get Gorgeous. I immediately remembered that I used to drink a lot of it.
I decided to do a little review of it being as though I remember it so vividly.
About Get Gorgeous tea
This is one of the tea blends made by Republic of Tea. It is part of the Be Well Teas line where each blend is made to help with some health-related thing.
Each blend is made with a base of rooibos tea ( a plant that grows in South Africa) and then the other ingredients are specific to what it is claiming to help with. People need to realize that these blends might not do anything they are formulated for and/or cause negative effects though.
The Get Gorgeous tea is a blend of rooibos tea, burdock root, chasteberry, hibiscus, chamomile, red clover, orange peel and pomegranate flavoring. It is designed to be for clearing up the skin. The tea blend contains no caffeine and can be consumed hot or iced.
My thoughts on it
I found this tea back in 2008 when my acne was still pretty bad. The topical products I was using at the time were not helping that much so I thought that it wouldn't hurt to add in the tea as a potential help.
The taste of it was amazing to me with my sweetener added. I also loved the smell of it. My ritual became drinking three cups of it in the evenings.
As I recall, my skin did look better during my time of drinking it everyday. I had a lot less breakouts on my cheeks and a little more of a glow going on.
I stopped buying it eventually. Not sure why exactly. I did notice that my skin went back to being a disaster unfortunately.
I just never went back to drinking it and started focusing on topical products that would help me more than the ones I was using were. I thought recently about buying some tea bags again but I am not entirely sure that it is worth it.
Would I recommend it?
I definitely would recommend it to anyone who likes to drink tea and wants to try something new. Don't expect miracles in your skin or any results at all though.
Although it was tasty to me, I guess I just wanted to go back to my one true love- green tea!
You can find the Get Gorgeous tea here: https://www.republicoftea.com/get-gorgeous-herb-tea-for-clear-skin/p/v00725/
Have you tried this tea or any other teas from Republic of Tea? Let me know!
Thanks for reading!