We want another child. I flip back and forth on it but for the most part, it is true. Our money situation is pretty bad right now though.
Because children are so expensive, I have decided to go back into running a home daycare business. This time I will do things differently so I don't crash and burn so hard again. The additional income will be much needed.
Doing daycare will allow me to be at home with my children so that I don't have to pay for childcare. Not only that but I will not have to deal with coworkers while bringing in money. I love that part of it!
Both my husband and I are getting up there in age so the time is now to start taking fertility it bit more seriously. The biggest hurdle is my PCOS and him possibly having a low sperm count.
Ever since we had our son five years ago now, we have not fallen pregnant. I feel like if I didn't have PCOS, we would be on our third child by now! We have not used condoms and I have not taken birth control for the past five years.
It is clearly going to be a struggle to get pregnant. I get my period every 28 days and usually have signs of ovulation but nothing has stuck so far. I am thinking that Clomid is something I will need to be on.
I read somewhere that women have gotten pregnant after doing the ketogenic diet but I would rather not do that. Since I can't take supplements either (I don't know if they actually work anyways), I will just keep focusing on consuming healthy foods.
I have decided that I will be using my fertility journal I made and document my journey. The idea of taking Clomid kind of scares me because it probably will give me bad side effects. If we really want a baby, it will be necessary though. We won't be able to afford IVF no matter if I am working or not!
I will be posting updates on our journey as well as how our finances are coming. If anyone reading this is trying to get pregnant, let me know! I would love to hear about your journey.
Thanks for reading!