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Day 1 of My 12 Week Glow-Up

Writer's picture: LauraLaura

Fit chick
So I guess this is my starting picture.

This post is the start of my 12 Week Glow-Up! I am really excited and hope that I can have great results from my new diet.

I will not be doing posts like this one everyday-once a week is my plan. Come along with me on this glow-up journey!

My very first day


16:8 fasting

Meal 1- Broccoli, grilled chicken, grape juice

Snack- Coffee with cream/Splenda, cheese slice, pickle spear

Meal 2- Six meatballs, 1/4 cup of shredded cheese, broccoli, three cups of green tea

Calories consumed: 1300 (rounded up)

Carbohydrates consumed: 100 grams (rounded up)


Upper body workout with cardio intervals

<script type="text/javascript" async id="calories-burned-calculator" data-type="verywell-tool" data-vertical="verywellfit" src=""></script>

I have to admit that I was feeling extremely hungry today and it is probably due to me being four days away from my period. The puff corn that I usually eat a lot of was looking really good to me. I know that people might think me being at 100 carbs today is a lot but trust me...that is WAY less than what I usually consume.

My workout went good as usual. I am feeling really tired and cold as I type this though. Hopefully I get used to this reduction of calories and carbs soon!

Are you on any kind of a glow-up journey? Let me know!

Thanks for reading and I will post again about my plan at the end of the week.



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