My how things have changed! I have always experienced PMS pretty much since I first got my period but now it is more intense.
I am always interested in reading about other women's PMS. Every once in a while I type it into Google search to read new threads on other's experiences. I know that is probably a weird thing to do but hey...I never claimed to be normal.
For this post, I decided to list my past and present PMS symptoms. This might be interesting to someone else (who is weird like me) searching for other women's PMS experiences.
Before having a child
For the following list, I am going to put the symptoms that I had starting around the age of 18. Here is the list:

1. The hunger- Good lord the hunger! The saltier the food, the better.

2. Sadness- I am talking tearing up at anything and everything. I would probably burst into tear if I saw this kitten picture above.

3. Road rage- Yes, road rage. I would get really angry while I was driving for whatever reason. This involved me yelling and swearing at everyone on the road. It is good that I didn't cause an accident. This is so embarrassing to think about.

4. Bloating- Being bloated sucks. I am sure most people feel that way too. Unfortunately, a lot of us experience it during PMS.
That is it for my symptoms before having a child. Wait till you read what I experience since having a child!
After having a child
The following list is even longer.
1. Bloating- See the picture in the last list.
2. Sadness- See the picture in the last list.

3. Headaches- These are horrible and start about three days before I bleed.
4. Dizziness/lightheadedness- I don't have a good picture of this. Just know that it sucks.

5. Intense breast pain- Holy cow these things hurt during PMS! I can't handle anything but a top against them and even that can be painful at times.

6. Laughing spells- I get these spells where I can't stop laughing about something. It makes me feel like I am insane. Luckily they don't happen every single day.

7. Intense nausea- My stomach issues flare-up a couple days before I start my period. The few hours before I actually bleed are the worst.
8. Workout fatigue/weakness- Just picture me laying on the floor by dumbbells. A few days before my period my strength for workouts goes down a lot and the cardio intervals are hard for me to do.

9. Burning gut- This goes along with the nausea I have to deal with. It feels awful and I don't know how to treat it.

10. Skin issues- Zits and oily skin, oh my! Sometimes I feel like you could fry some chicken on my skin.

11. General dislike of the way I look- I just feel really uncomfortable and want to hide my body in baggy clothes.

12. Intense itchiness- I itch everywhere! All over my body and my scalp. Antihistamines help sometimes.
So there you have it!
Those have been/are my PMS symptoms. I have a lot of them presently and it sucks. Hopefully, it will get better someday. I don't think it will though.
What are your PMS symptoms? How have they changed over the years?
Thanks for reading!